Code of Conduct for Faculty, Administration and Office Staff

General Rules:
 All the college staff members and administration should take pledge to do their respective duty
for maintaining and enhancing the reputation and dignity of the institution.
 The students’ interest should be their prime concern and they work as mentor and guide for the
 They should be punctual and do their respective duties diligently.
 They should be neutral and transparent in their conduct and behavior and work with utmost
 They should work as role models for the students and any misdemeanor on the part of any
staff member should be strictly prohibited.
 They should strictly follow the rules, regulations and norms as prescribed by the government
and the affiliating university.
 They should be neatly dressed up and help in maintaining general hygiene and healthy
conditions in the college premises.
 They should take active interest in maintaining inclusive study environment and disapprove any
discriminatory practice.
 They should follow the parking rules and put their vehicles only at the designated place.
 They should make use of college ICT and other facilities only for the institutional purposes and
should not use them for personal benefits.
 They should carry their identity cards along with them.
 They should work in amity and the togetherness with the whole staff should be their core value.
Expectations from Teachers:
 The teachers should be well prepared for the classes and take active interest in providing
students best of teaching inputs.
 The teachers should also coordinate the studies with other co-curricular/extra-curricular
activities for the holistic development of students.
 They should make ICT as integral part of their teaching and should be committed to add to their
teaching methods and tools.
 The teacher should do quality research so as to progress professionally.
 They should plan their assignments, seminars, and class test in a way as to have exhaustive
coverage of syllabus and to prepare students for the semester exams.
 They should maintain complete transparency in internal assessment and timely inform students
about their deficiencies so they can improve themselves before exams.
 The maintenance of discipline is their prime duty, and they should make sincere effort for that.
 They should work for sensitizing students about national integration, constitutional values,
gender equality, social work, dignity of labour, healthy life habits and such other issues.
 They should also keep tab on the cleanliness of classrooms, departmental rooms, proper
electricity arrangements and necessary upkeep of laboratories.
 They should take active interest in managing and improving upon college facilities and
 They should inform students about any activity through timely notice.

Expectations from Non Teaching Staff:
 The non teaching staff provides all ancillary support for college functioning.
 They should make necessary coordination with teaching staff and students while performing
their duties.
 Their behaviour with students should be cordial and supportive.
 They should maintain their respective records diligently and provide readily the information
required time to time.
 They should help in switching over all official work to digital/online mode progressively.
 The cleanliness of the office rooms and their proper upkeep is their responsibility.
 They should not divulge any information about college activities to any outsider.
Expectations from College Administration:
 The college administration is the linking pin join all stakeholders and it should work with great
sincerity and farsightedness.
 It should work with transparency and impartiality in maintaining the quality standards in the
 It should not compromise in following rules and regulations and ensure discipline in all activities
but with a humane touch.
 The resolution of different irritants in amicable way should be its approach.
 It should ensure such working conditions as to help in furtherance of amicability among staff
 It should take active interest in maintaining and improving the infrastructural facilities.
 The ensuring of discipline in the college campus should its prime concern.
 It should work as a supportive link between the institution and the higher authorities soas to
implement the policies as decided by the authorities with negligible friction with the staff at
ground level.

The college staff and administration should abide by these rules, and they should make a pledge to keep
themselves in self-discipline. However, if there is a grave breach of these rules, then Code of Conduct
Committee will look into the matter and inquire about the relevant facts. If it feels the case is appropriate
for action, the concerned incumbent may be asked to make necessary amends. If still the situation
persists, an action can be taken against that member in accordance with the service rules.